What is your warranty policy for commercial tile installations?

Commercial Tile Warranties:

Commercial tile warranties typically differ from residential warranties in several ways:

  • Longer warranties: Due to the higher usage and wear and tear in commercial settings, warranties for commercial installations might be longer than residential warranties, often ranging from 5 to 10 years.
  • Specific exclusions: Commercial warranties might have more exclusions compared to residential warranties, focusing on factors like improper installation, maintenance neglect, or abuse.
  • Limited liability: Some commercial warranties might limit their liability to replacement materials only, without covering installation costs or other damages.

Factors Affecting Warranty Coverage:

Several factors can influence the specific terms and coverage of a commercial tile warranty:

  • Tile type and material: Different materials like porcelain, ceramic, or natural stone might have different warranty terms based on their inherent properties and expected performance.
  • Product line: Tile manufacturers often offer different warranty durations and levels of coverage for various product lines.
  • Installation methods and materials: Proper installation with approved materials and methods is crucial for warranty coverage. Any deviations might void the warranty.
  • Maintenance practices: Following recommended maintenance guidelines helps prevent damage and ensures coverage under the warranty.

Finding Warranty Information:

To understand Tile.International’s specific warranty policy for your commercial installation, you can:

  • Check the product specifications: Most manufacturer websites and product brochures include detailed information about warranties, including duration, exclusions, and limitations.
  • Contact customer service: The customer service team can provide you with the relevant warranty document and answer any questions you might have about its specific terms.
  • Review the installation contract: Your installation contract with the contractor or Tile.International might also outline the applicable warranty terms.

Additional Considerations:

While warranties offer some protection, it’s important to remember:

  • Preventative maintenance is key: Regularly cleaning and maintaining your tiles according to the manufacturer’s recommendations helps ensure their longevity and minimizes the risk of warranty claims.
  • Work with reputable installers: Choosing experienced and qualified installers who follow proper methods and use approved materials minimizes the chances of installation-related issues that might void the warranty.
  • Document everything: Keep copies of your purchase receipts, warranties, installation contracts, and maintenance records for future reference in case you need to file a claim.