What is your minimum order quantity (MOQ)?

Understanding MOQs:

An MOQ is the minimum number of units a company requires you to purchase in a single order. This minimum exists for several reasons:

  • Production Efficiency: Setting an MOQ helps streamline production and reduce costs for the manufacturer. Small, individual orders can disrupt production schedules and require expensive setup changes.
  • Profitability: Manufacturing tiles involves upfront costs for materials, labor, and machinery. MOQs ensure the company covers these costs and turns a profit.
  • Inventory Management: Maintaining a large inventory of various tiles isn’t feasible for every company. By setting an MOQ, they can focus on popular and profitable options.

Types of MOQs at Tile.International:

It’s likely that Tile.International will have different MOQs based on various factors:

  • Tile type: Popular, standard-sized tiles might have lower MOQs compared to specialty or custom-made tiles.
  • Order value: Some MOQs might be based on a minimum order value rather than a specific number of tiles.
  • Promotional offers: Occasionally, Tile.International might offer lower MOQs during promotions or for specific tile collections.

Finding out the Specific MOQ:

The best way to determine the specific MOQ for your desired tile is to contact Tile.International directly. You can:

  • Call their customer service team.
  • Visit their website and use the online chat feature.
  • Send an email inquiry.

Alternatives if the MOQ is too high:

If the MOQ for your desired tile is higher than you need, you have a few options:

  1. Consider alternative tiles: Look for similar tiles with lower MOQs.
  2. Split the order with friends or neighbors: If you know others who are interested in the same tile, you can pool your orders to meet the MOQ.
  3. Wait for a promotion: Keep an eye out for promotional offers that might temporarily lower the MOQ.
  4. Explore other retailers: Some smaller tile stores might be more flexible with their MOQs.