Marmomacc 2024

Event date: 24- 27 September 2024

Venue: Verona, Italy

Unveiling the Marble Marvel: Dive into the World of Natural Stone at Marmomac

Calling all architects, designers, and stone enthusiasts! Prepare to be mesmerized by Marmomac, the crown jewel of natural stone trade fairs. This prestigious event isn’t just an exhibition; it’s a sensory experience that brings the entire natural stone universe to life.

Imagine a place where the earth’s raw beauty converges with cutting-edge technology. At Marmomac, you’ll witness the complete natural stone journey, from the majestic quarries where these timeless materials are unearthed, to the breathtaking processed products waiting to be transformed into architectural wonders.

But Marmomac doesn’t stop there. Delve into a world of groundbreaking technologies shaping the future of stonework. Witness the latest machinery and tools that empower artisans to bring their visions to life.

Marmomac is your gateway to a global network of industry leaders. Connect with like-minded professionals, discover the hottest trends, and source everything you need to turn your project into a masterpiece.

This is your chance to:

  • Explore the exquisite spectrum of natural stone varieties.
  • Witness the ingenuity of the latest technologies and tools.
  • Network with the world’s leading stone specialists.
  • Spark inspiration for your next project.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of the most prestigious natural stone event on the planet. Marmomac awaits!


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