Can you provide information on the sustainability and environmental impact of your tiles?

Tile.International recognizes the growing importance of sustainability and takes active steps to minimize the environmental impact of its tiles. Here’s an overview of their efforts:

Sustainable Practices:

  • Recycled Content: Many Tile.International tiles incorporate recycled materials like post-consumer glass, porcelain, or waste from their own production processes. This reduces reliance on virgin resources and lowers the embodied carbon footprint of the tiles.
  • Locally Sourced Materials: They strive to source materials regionally whenever possible, reducing transportation emissions and supporting local economies.
  • Energy-Efficient Production: Tile.International invests in energy-efficient technologies and processes to minimize their energy consumption during tile production.
  • Water Conservation: They implement water-saving measures throughout their production process, reducing water usage and wastewater generation.
  • Waste Reduction: Tile.International minimizes waste generation and responsibly disposes of any unavoidable waste through recycling or approved waste management practices.

Certifications and Standards:

  • LEED and GreenGuard Gold: Many Tile.International tiles are certified to contribute to LEED credits for recycled content, low-emitting materials, and regional materials. Additionally, their tiles often meet GreenGuard Gold standards for low VOC emissions, creating healthier indoor environments.
  • International Standards: Tile.International adheres to international standards like ISO 14021 for environmental management systems and ISO 14064 for greenhouse gas emission calculations. These standards demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement and transparency in their environmental performance.

Transparency and Disclosure:

  • Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs): Tile.International offers EPDs for many of their tile collections, providing detailed information on the environmental impacts of each product throughout its lifecycle. This transparency allows customers to make informed decisions based on environmental considerations.
  • Sustainability Reports: They publish annual sustainability reports outlining their environmental initiatives, progress, and future goals. This openness demonstrates their commitment to accountability and continuous improvement.

Beyond Products:

Tile.International’s sustainability efforts extend beyond their tiles:

  • Responsible Packaging: They utilize recycled and recyclable packaging materials whenever possible, minimizing waste and promoting responsible resource management.
  • Sustainable Partnerships: They collaborate with suppliers who share their commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing practices.
  • Community Engagement: Tile.International participates in initiatives and partnerships that promote sustainable practices and environmental awareness within the community.

Choosing Sustainable Tiles:

By choosing Tile.International for your next project, you can contribute to a more sustainable future:

  • Reduce your environmental footprint: Sustainable tiles minimize resource consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and overall environmental impact.
  • Create healthy indoor environments: Low-VOC tiles contribute to improved indoor air quality, benefiting occupants’ health and well-being.
  • Invest in responsible manufacturing: Your choice supports companies committed to environmental responsibility and ethical practices.

I encourage you to visit Tile.International’s website to learn more about their specific sustainability initiatives, certifications, and product offerings. They are always happy to answer any questions you might have about their commitment to environmental responsibility.

By choosing sustainable tiles and responsible manufacturers, we can all contribute to building a more eco-friendly future.