Cachoeiro Stone Fair 2024

Event date: 25 – 30 August 2024

Venue: Espirito Santo, Brazil

Cachoeiro Stone Fair: Where Marble Dreams Become Reality

For over three decades, the Cachoeiro Stone Fair has been the beating heart of the international stone industry. Imagine a place where marble and granite take center stage, a dazzling showcase of the finest these natural wonders have to offer.

This prestigious event wasn’t born overnight. It all began in the 1980s with a pioneering vision: the International Marble and Granite Fair. This sparked a revolution, transforming Cachoeiro Stone Fair into a powerhouse of opportunity and connection.

Today, the Cachoeiro Stone Fair is more than just a trade show; it’s a global stage where dreams are realized. Here, you’ll find a treasure trove of exquisite marble and granite, waiting to inspire your next architectural masterpiece. Network with industry leaders, discover cutting-edge trends, and forge partnerships that will propel your business forward.

This is your chance to be part of something extraordinary. Join us at the Cachoeiro Stone Fair and turn your stone dreams into reality!

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